Erasmus for Incomers


Address:Palackeho tr. 1946/1
                612 42 Brno
                Czech Republic

Dear students,

welcome to the University of Veterinary Sciences Brno. Our university consists of two faculties:

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology

Fields of study:

0841 Veterinary
0721 Food Processing

Every single faculty has its own faculty coordinator. They approve your nominations and Learning Agreements. Also they support you with the selection of subjects and changes in your study plan during your mobilities.


Veterinary Medicine doc. MVDr. Miša Škorič, Ph.D.
Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology    doc. MVDr. Josef Kameník, CSc., MBA

After your nomination by your university (faculty) international coordinator, you will receive “Welcome Mail“ with basic information what you have to prepare before your arrival.  

Before your mobility, you need to send these documents:

  • Application Form (AF)
  • Learning agreement (LA)
  • Transcript of Record (ToR)
  • Certificate of English language (minimum B2)

The information about the study programme and course catalogue is available at:http://ects.vfu.cz/

Documents as Application Form and Learning Agreement will be part of the “Welcome Mail“
As soon as you send Learning Agreement with all 3 signatures (yours, your home coordinator, faculty coordinator at VETUNI), you yourself will enter the STAG system (following the manual) to obtain you unique login number and password. Then you will be able to log into the school system, where you can find your personal profile with schedule, syllabus to every single subject and more interesting information.

Nomination e-mail should contain:

  • Name, Surname
  • Gender
  • Current year of Study
  • Field of study
  • Length of stay (winter/summer semester)
  • E-mail

Contact for nomination - study mobilities:ErasmusVETUNI@vfu.cz


First steps after you arrival to Brno lead to your accommodation that you had booked in advance. Then within few first days contact your Coordinator to time your appointment. Having the appointment with the Coordinator reach the office in building No. 1, ground floor, first door on the left side.

Erasmus+ Coordinator will provide you basic information and confirms sign your arrival documents.

Always plan your appointment in advance and contact your Coordinator via e-mail.


Monday      9- 12 a.m.
Tuesday       1- 3 p.m.
Wednesday     9- 12 a.m.
Thursday       1- 3 p.m.  
Friday only the preplanned appointments

Deadline for mobility:

Winter semester: 15th of May
Summer semester:   15th of November


map of university

1 Rector´s Office
2 Department of Biology & Wildlife Diseases 
4 Ruminant & Swine Clinic (Department of Swine)
5 Riding Hall
6 Institute of Lifelong Learning &Informatics (Classroom)
7 Pavilion of Prof. Klobouk, Equine Clinic, Ruminant & Swine Clinic (Department of Ruminants)
10 Department of Sports & Physical Education (gym, tennis courts)
12 Pavilion of Prof. Lenfeld, Department of Milk Hygiene & Technology
13 Pavilion of Prof. Hökl, Department of Meat Hygiene & Technology
14 Department of Animal Genetics
15 Pavilion of Prof. Kabát, Department of Animal Nutrition, Department of Animal Husbandry & Animal Hygiene, Department of Vegetable Foodstuffs Hygiene & Technology
22 Department of Pharmacology
Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons
23 Accommodation & Refreshment Centre
24 Study Centre, Library, Dean’s Offices
25 Department of Ecology and Game, Fish and Bees Diseases
29 University Hall
30 Centre of Computer Technologies
31 Department of Gastronomy
32 Department of Animal Welfare, Protection and Behaviour
Department of Veterinary Public Health and Forensic Medicine
33 Department of Infectious Diseases & Microbiology
34 Department of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology, Department of Physiology, Fatstock Abattoir
43 Pavilion of Clinics of Small Animals, Small Animal Clinic, Avian & Exotic Animal Clinic, Small Animal Clinical Laboratory
44 Pavilion of Pharmacy I
45 Pavilion of Pharmacy II


The ISIC (International Student Identity Card) is a multi-functional student card operating within the university and, thanks to the ISIC license, it is accepted as a confirmation of study by many institutions abroad and throughout the Czech Republic (including the right to a 75% discount on transport). Please find more information here.


Applicants for the accommodation at the Kaunic´s Hall of Residence must be agreed by the Director of the VETUNI Dorms as students must keep the Dorms rules including the measures regarding the updated hygienic situation. ARRIVAL of students must be always planned, agreed and if there is any change done it must be confirmed – communicate all the changes with your Erasmus coordinator IN ADVANCE.

Address:Králova 45, Brno 616 00 

The dorms are open 365/24/7. The topical price list of accommodation is enclosed at the bottom of this page.

Please note that upon arrival at the dormitory, you will need:

  • 2500 CZK (refundable deposit)
  • 500 CZK (a registration fee for a chipcard)
  • 2 photographs (passport format)
  • cable for internet connection in rooms (sometimes it's not necessary)

Winter semestr of the academic year 2024/2025

The official start of lessons at the VETUNI Brno on Monday dated September 2, 2024

Educational process lasts from Monday dated September 2, 2024 to December 6, 2024 (13 weeks)

Exams will be held from January 02, 2025 to February 07, 2025 (6 weeks)

Academic vacations are dated from February 10, 2025 to February 14, 2025

Summer semestr of the academic year 2024/2025

The official start of lessons at the VETUNI Brno on Monday dated February 17, 2025

Educational process lasts from Monday dated February 17, 202 to May 23, 2025 (14 weeks)

Exams will be held from May 26, 2025 to July 04, 2025 (6 weeks)

Academic vacations are dated from July 7, 2025 to August 31, 2025


Day       Date  Holiday name
Wednesday January 01  Restoration Day of the Independent Czech State
Friday  April 18 Good Friday
Monday April 21 Easter Monday
Thursday May 01 Labour Day
Thursday May 08 Liberation Day
Saturday  July 05 Slavonic patrons Day of Constantin and Method
Sunday July 06  Jan Hus Day
Saturday September 28    St. Wenceslas Day
Monday October 28   Independent Czechoslovak State Day Established
Sunday November 17 International Students Day
Tuesday December 24   Christmas Eve
Wednesday December 25    Christmas Day
Thursday     December 26 St. Stephen´s Day


Buddy programme is managed and organised by Czech students of VETUNI. The main goal is to support incoming students with after-arrival paperwork, orientation at the campus and in the city of Brno as well. For more information, please, contact buddy coordinator.