Open access sources


Product information
AgronavigátorA comprehensive agri-food information portal. It provides information for professionals and the general public. It provides links to industry-specific portals such as Food Safety, Organic Farming, Agricultural Consulting and more.

African Journals Online is database of magazines published in Africa, contains abstracts or full-text articles. A handbook of information institutions, projects, programs, research and global cooperation in fields of forestry and environment on a global scale. It helps to spread scientific information to people interested in environment and to landscapers.

Bibliografia Medica ČechoslovakaA database of Czech national medical bibliography, online accessible through Medvik portal. It derives data from:magazines, books, collection, reviews of Czech books, works of Czech and Slovak authors published in foreign magazines. It contains records since 1999.
BioMed CentralOpen access full-text journals.
DOAJDirectory of Open Access Journals is a database of free full-text journals.
E-journalsLinks to electronic version of journals sorted by discipline.
FAOSTATThe largest world database of the FAO organization focuses on food and agriculture. It contains statistic data and factual information.
Free Medical JournalsFull-text journals with medical theme.
Freie Universität Berlin

The Institutional Repository is a service of the Universitätsbibliothek of the Freie Universität Berlin. The repository keeps theses, dissertations (eTDs) and other scholarly works here within the framework of the Open Access Initiative.

Google ScholarA free web search engine that indexes full texts or metadata from scholarly literature (includes peer-reviewed online academic journals, books, conference papers, theses and dissertations, preprints, abstracts, technical reports, and more).
InvenioInternational Veterinary Information Service is non-profit organization provides information for vets, veterinary students and scientists. Enables access to veterinary books, information about veterinary meetings etc.
InfozdrojeThis portal clarifies access to information sources, informs about news, consortiums, offers test accesses, etc.
IVISInternational Veterinary Information Service is non-profit organization provides information for vets, veterinary students and scientists. Enables access to veterinary books, information about veterinary meetings etc.
Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyThis gate enables searching in number of world libraries.
Knihovna Antonína ŠvehlyA catalogue of Antonín Švehla Library – agricultural and food library. It provides the possibility to search in the Library fund or in the database of the Czech agricultural and food bibliography.
Knihovna v BielefelduFull-text journals from the fund of electronic journals of the Bielefeld Library. Articles can be used so to search bibliographic data of journals and, also to view open access texts of journals. In the list, full-text magazines are marked with green colour.
Knihovny.czA new portal enables access to services of Czech and Moravian libraries to anyone, from anywhere and at any time. On this portal you can search the catalogues of all participating libraries from one place.
Laboratorní průvodce Physical, mathematical and chemical tables, laboratory encyclopaedias and factual information from fields of biochemistry, biology and medicine, and other tools and data.
OpenAIREA portal provides a net of open access repositories, archives and journals. OpenAIRE is a pan-European research information system, which provides services to find, store, link and analyse research output from all disciplines. The OpenAIRE project started as part of the FP7 programme (the European Union’s Research and Innovation funding programme) in 2009.
PLOSPublic Library of Science is a non-profit organization, where scientists and doctors from all around the world are engaged. Its target is to provide them, but also to students and patients, unlimited access to the newest scientist knowledge, so to make their studies, scientific research and medicine practices easier. Main principles are open access, outstanding quality as for its content, as for its form, scientist integrity guaranteed by the editors, cooperation, financial justice, community involvement, internationality and science considered as a public source.
PubMedBibliographic databases of United States National Library of Medicine.
Royal Society of ChemistryJournals, books and databases of Royal Society of Chemistry.

The introduction of WolframAlpha defined a fundamentally new paradigm for getting knowledge and answers—not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms and methods. Wolfram|Alpha's long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone.

Zákony pro lidiDatabase offers a free archive of all Czech and Czechoslovak legislation from the Collection of Laws since 1945 to the present day, both in its original and current version.