Gym opening hours
Gym opening hours: link here
To use our gym, you must do the following 3 steps:
- be a member of Vetuni sports club link to the online form:
- pay membership fees for the calendar year 2024
Membership fees must be paid to account number:1345473369/ 0800, specific symbol:1111.
IBAN:CZ80 0800 0000 0013 4547 3369
As a message for the recipient, it is necessary to indicate the name of the student, V-number
Fee for the calendar year 2024
VETUNI Brno students CZK 600 (2 semesters)
- pay a one-time fee of CZK 500 for using the gym for a calendar year. Account number:1345473369/ 0800, specific symbol:2222, variable symbol 2112023
Starting this semester, we are canceling gym cards, exercisers will be randomly checked by the staff based on our bank statement and showwing of your ID card or ISIC.
Please respect the opening hours of the gym and the rules of operation.
If the main door to the gym is closed, you can access the gym from the other side of the building.
Gym opening hours: link here
The gym is intended solely for fitness or sports training during the gym's operating hours.
Gym use is allowed:
- For Vetuni students under the supervision of a teacher as part of physical education classes.
- For all members of VSK Vetuni who have paid their membership fees for the relevant calendar year.
Gym access is possible:
- During hours when there are no classes, only through the entrance to the institute (from the courts).
- During other operating hours, through the entrance to the gym.
Participants are required to change their shoes in the vestibules of both building entrances.
General gym operation rules:
- Participants must follow all safety measures during exercise.
- Each participant must observe basic hygiene rules (clean clothing, shoes, no exercise without a shirt, ideally using a towel on benches) and maintain order in the gym (e.g., return dumbbells and weights to their places after use).
- Dumbbells should be returned to racks, free weights to designated areas.
- The minimum number of participants in the gym is two—due to safety reasons.
- The maximum number is ten—due to capacity limitations.
- Participants must maintain order and hygiene in the locker room, showers, and toilets as well.
- A participant leaving the gym last must check the cleanliness, close the windows, turn off the lights, and ensure the doors to the locker room and showers remain open for ventilation.
- Any defects found in the gym, locker room, or restroom facilities must be immediately reported to the ÚTVS staff.
Failure to adhere to the rules will result in immediate denial of gym access, and repeated violations will lead to the termination of the member's VSK Vetuni membership!