/ VETUNI / ABOUT UNIVERSITY / OFFICIAL BOARD / Provide Information / UVPS address, other official information

UVPS address, other official information

Name: University of Veterinary Sciences Brno
Abbreviation: UVS Brno (possible to use even on tax forms)
Statutory Representative: prof. MVDr. Alois Nečas, Ph.D., MBA – Rector
Address: Palackeho tr. 1946/1, 612 42 Brno
Company Registration Number: 62157124
Tax Identification Number: CZ62157124

Legal Form: Public Higher Education Institute
Registration in the Commercial Register:UPVS Brno is a Public Higher Education Institute
established by Act No. 111/1998 Coll., valid in the Czech Republic, regarding Institutions
of Higher Education and therefore is not registered in the Commercial Register
Bank: CSOB, a.s., Milady Horakove 6, 601 79 Brno

Current account in CZK:
Bank account number: 154568547/0300 (for payments within the Czech Republic)
IBAN: CZ74 0300 0000 0001 5456 8547 (for payments from abroad)

Current account in USD:
IBAN: CZ72 0300 1760 3001 5456 8547 (for payments from abroad)

Current account in EUR:
IBAN: CZ84 0300 1712 8001 1722 7743 (for payments from abroad)

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